Instant Pot Creamy Mac and Cheese

Look, I know I’m usually all about healthy recipes with lots of veggies, but sometimes you just need comfort food. And when you want mac and cheese, you want something fast and easy that (hopefully) doesn’t come out of a blue box. (: This recipe is SUCH a winner with my husband, who has simple…

Anthropologie Diffuser Blend

  Husband and I have officially been in our new place for a month, so we’ve done a little exploring recently on his one day off a week. We happened to be driving by a Cheesecake Factory the other night, and since I finally organized my incredibly messy purse and put all my gift cards into…

Self-Care Challenge Preview

I wanted to pop in today to just give everyone a quick preview of the Self-Care Challenge PDF/workbook that you’ll be receiving for free if you join! It starts March 10, but the first e-mail is probably going out THURSDAY! Sign up here. Be sure to open your e-mail and confirm your e-mail address, or I…

Cheese Tray with Blood Orange Mimosas

Our internet and cable have been out all day, so I’ve been running around town with husband getting some fun new groceries, and sitting outside on my patio in the sunshine catching up on phone calls. NO TIME TO BLOG? The horror. I’m using this tray to bribe him to watch the Bachelor tonight with me,…

Abundance Bowl with Turmeric Ginger Cashew Cream

You guys, I have a serious question. How do you make friends when you’re an adult? I think it’s easiest when you’re in college. College is a built-in friend fest. You go to your neighbors’ house and watch Grey’s Anatomy and eat chocolate chip cookies every single week, just because you live next to each other…

Make A Space For Yourself

Lately, I’ve been doing something dumb. Really dumb. I have a super exciting self-care project I’ve been working on (along with my upcoming Self-Care Challenge), and instead of being excited, I’ve been majorly stressing myself out about it. Finding people to share my idea with. Trying to promote my blog. Trying to get people to…

Mom’s Chicken Rice Soup (Instant Pot)

I have been a yoga-goer for most of my adult life. I love the way it makes my muscles and joints and mind feel after a great session. I like sun salutations, restorative yoga, savasanas. I like the mudras, pranayamas, and even the pretty mats and blocks. Of course, I like the leggings, and own…

DIY Neon Coasters

I have TWO exciting things to share! First, I’ll be offering a FREE Seven Day Self-Care Challenge for the first 100 people who follow my Facebook page here and complete the “Get Offer” directions pinned to the top of the page. Facebook actually shows you how many people have claimed the offer, so get it while it’s available…

GF Garlic Cheddar Crackers

  I wrote a post on my personal Facebook page a few days ago, asking people what they do for self-care. I received a very interesting and wide variety of responses: working out, taking baths, cooking, coloring, laughing, petting animals… but only ONE person out of twenty mentioned sleep. I think sufficient sleep is vital…

Grow Your Own Crystals

If you don’t feel like making a crystal necklace, but would rather buy one, click here. I’ve been thinking about crystals lately because there has been a lot of negative energy in the universe for the last few days for my husband and me. Even if you don’t believe in energy and auras, do you ever…

Vegan Almond Chocolate Fudge

The other night, husband and I went for a drive around our new town, looking for a non-chain coffee shop. Personally, I would have just Googled it or looked on Yelp, but he likes to discover things organically, which is always fun (if I’m forced to). I’m a planner at heart, so it’s hard for…

20 Question Printable to Reconnect Your Love

EDIT: This printable has been moved to the VIP Access page of my blog, for e-mail subscribers only. Click any of the pink links to sign up for e-mail updates, and you’ll get the current password to the VIP section (: I’m no relationship expert. I’m not a therapist, a counselor, or the perfect wife by any…