Anthropologie Diffuser Blend

Bohemian Nation Anthro Blend cover


Husband and I have officially been in our new place for a month, so we’ve done a little exploring recently on his one day off a week. We happened to be driving by a Cheesecake Factory the other night, and since I finally organized my incredibly messy purse and put all my gift cards into one little pouch, I knew I had a gift card to there. AND I knew where it was. (:

We pulled over and got some takeout cheesecake (they have one gluten-free kind – Godiva chocolate- but if you have severe sensitivities or Celiac, read this review here) then explored the mall right next door. I dragged him to Anthropologie, looking for a book on crafting or some kind of cute planner or calendar. It’s my favorite store, and I had a gift card to there, too, from one of my clients.

They didn’t have either of the things I was looking for, and I ALMOST bought some really cute floral bowls and the little clipboard calendar you see pictured above, but I didn’t.

Have you noticed that certain stores have a certain smell. Like – do you remember in the early 2000s when Abercrombie and Hollister were so popular? And you walked into the store and got immediately doused with a cloud of their perfume? I have some incredibly embarrassing photos of me trying to fit in and and wearing THE UGLIEST Abercrombie shirts (graphic tees with glitter) because I could only afford to shop in the extreme clearance section. Hey – I was in high school and worked at a pizza place. Cut me some slack. (:

Anyway, Anthropologie’s smell is much more pleasant to me, so I did some detective work through a couple of employees and figured out a few the their scents they use in the store – Capri candles in Volcano and a couple others.

When I got home, I raided my gigantic essential oil collection and put together a copycat Anthropologie diffuser blend for you.

As you can see, I’m using three completely different oil brands here, because I used to buy them from anywhere. Amazon, Doterra, Young Living, health food stores… didn’t matter. Work with what you have!



Anthropologie Diffuser Blend:

-3 drops cedarwood
-3 drops wild orange
-2 drops grapefruit

You can play around a bit here. If you have a different “woodsy” smell like cypress or pine, that would work, too. And you can experiment with the citrus, as well. The goal is just to strike that balance between the fruity smell and nature.

I’m loving this scent in my diffuser. For a while, I was binging on Young Living’s Stress Away mixed with Lavender. I also became obsessed with the Christmas Spirit blend that I got free for signing up to be a Young Living distributor.

As many of you know, I’m not into the pushy sales thing at alllll, BUT if you ever have questions about oils, want to know what to use them for, what my favorite scents are, or if you don’t know where to get yours, shoot me an e-mail: and I can help you out! You can also click my referral link here to sign up to be a distributor, which means you’ll get 24% off the retail price on the oils. Learning about oils has really changed my quality of life so much. I use Young Living oils in most of my bath and beauty products, and I’m always diffusing something!

Sorry this is such a short post. I have been SO busy working on the Self-Care Challenge workbook and e-mails that I have been neglecting my blog. Today is day 2 of the challenge, and the focus word is Mindfulness. We’re working on being present, mindful eating, and mindful walking today. I have been doing the practice right alongside you all! I still need to fill out my gratitude journal today.

If you missed signing up for this free challenge, make sure you subscribe to my e-mail list here. You’ll get “Earlybird Notification” privileges for upcoming free challenges with limited seating. When you sign up, you’ll also get the password to the BRAND NEW Vip Access page, where I’ll be uploading freebies and printables and more goodies for my e-mail subscribers. There are a few Self-Care resources there, along with my Relationships and Unplugged Date Ideas printable.

Let me know in the comments what your top THREE diffusing oils are – either blends or single scents. I love getting new ideas from people! (: If you’re doing the self-care challenge, let me know how your Day 1 yesterday went, and what you think about the mindfulness exercises today.






  1. Literally smells like heaven ! So glad you used your detective work to find this haha


  2. I LOVE ANTHRO. My favorite thing to get there are the volcano candles – they smells ahhh-maaaazing!


  3. realmofvibes says:

    I am going to have to try this blend! 🙂 Thank you!


  4. I am a huge fan of essential oils and diffusers. I’m going to check this out. Great post!


  5. ssantoro555 says:

    I loveeee anthropologie! I also absolutely love oils but, the one thing I have not gotten yet was a diffuser! So, I need to invest in one of those asap. OR stick it on the registry for the wedding lol! I love the way you found this out by the way, lol, sneaky you 😉


  6. Maggie Bera says:

    Anthropology makes me happy 🙂 this stuff probably smells like heaven!


  7. ldawnfleming says:

    We should try that. We just moved to a new place and my hubby wants to make the room look more “coupley” lol


  8. Kelly says:

    I am absolutely obsessed with essential oils!! So funny, I love how Anthropologie smells so much that I bought one of the candles they burn, too! I’ll be checking out more essential oil posts of yours for sure!


  9. thatssodarling says:

    I love the smell of Anthropoogie as well! Ive never thought to find it. Thanks for sharing! Ill have to try this.


  10. kaylaraeweb says:

    Love your photos! I’ve always wanted to try essential oils bit didn’t know anything about them!!! You’re article was so informative! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!


  11. Kristen says:

    I love to bring in relaxing scent into my home so I will definitely try this blend – thanks!


  12. Sounds wonderful 🙂 would want to try it out!


  13. Luke says:

    Oh man I flippin looove the cheesecake cafe!! The rest was a bit girly for me but nicely written! 🙂


  14. LOVE Anthropologie. I bet this scent is amazing. Nice detective work!


  15. omg I loved this. I, for one, love anthropologie so much and am always trying to grab stuff that looks similar cause it’s so dang expensive. Thanks!


  16. daretoglam says:

    This is great! I’ve been really wanting to learn more about essential oils, definitely want to start using them. Major throwback on the Hollister and Abercrombie scents, I was obsessed with those stores, haha!



  17. Wild Orange is one of my favorites. I can’t wait to try this blend. I am diffusing the Wild Orange right now also 🙂


  18. ashleesides says:

    That is so amazing you managed to replicate the best scent ever with oils!! I’ll def have to try this!


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